Reference Management

Reference management softwarecitation management softwarecompany reference software or personal bibliographic management software is software for scholars and authors that are used for recording and utilizing bibliographic citations (references). Reference management is always a tedious job as it should exactly match the style and format as sought by Journal [1].

To automate and exactly match the style and format of Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research (JOAPR), we have taken number of steps. JOAPR always encourage authors to make use of following tools and steps to arrange their reference as per the style and format of JOAPR.

MENDELEY software

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you to organize your research, collaborate with others online and discover the latest research. Mendeley is owned and managed by Elsevier [2]. Watch the video for more information about Mendeley


Click here to download the tutorial to arrange reference of JOAPR using mendeley


DOI to cite formatter

If author have DOI number of the article that is to be cited, then DOI to cite formatter tool can arrange the reference as per the need of JOAPR


Click here to download the tutorial to arrange reference of JOAPR using DOI to cite formatter



PMID is the unique identifier number used in PubMed. PMID is assigned to each article when it enters PubMed. PMID can be found by searching the article at pubmed website.


Click here to download the tutorial to arrange reference of JOAPR using



