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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is typed using a 12-point font with 1.5 space; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • There is no conflict of interest and any clarification regarding this has been provided in comments to editor
  • Funding source has been disclosed in manuscript citing the grant letter sanctioned from grant sanctioning agencies

Author Guidelines

The Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research (JOAPR) is a bimonthly (August 2023) peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal committed to publishing innovative, mechanism-based, hypothesis-driven research supported by sound experimental design, methodology, and data interpretation. 

JOAPR publishes articles containing novel research concepts, ideas, and findings of broad interest & add to the understanding of the scientific community in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Cosmetic Technology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Herbal drugs/ formulations, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy).   

Papers that are merely descriptive or confirmatory, poorly written, lack a hypothesis, fail to offer new insights, or contain conclusions not supported by data are unlikely to be accepted for publication in this journal.

Manuscripts must conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”

Authors must adhere to the following word limits for the respective categories of articles submitted to the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research. The word count excludes figures, tables, and references unless stated otherwise.

  • Review Article: The maximum limit is 6000 words, excluding references, figures 4 - 6, tables 3-4, and references between 50 - 120. Review articles should provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of current research on a specific topic.
  • Research Article: The maximum limit is 3500 words, excluding references. Research articles can have 3 - 5 figures, 3 - 4 tables, and 40 - 70 references. Research articles should present original research, methodologies, and findings clearly and concisely.

Peer review:

Manuscripts shall go through a peer review process to adjudge their suitability and authenticity for publication in the journal. A confirmation about the acceptance of the manuscript will be sent to e-mail address of the corresponding author. 

Submission of Manuscript:

Authors should submit the articles in MS-word 2007 or above format, no other format is accepted. If equations were used it should be converted by using MS Office equation editor and pasted as image at proper place. All equations should be grouped or may be prepared using equation editor software. 

All the manuscripts can be submitted electronically through our online submission process only. If the author is technically unable to do so, then one can contact us for technical support, 

The technical team will submit the manuscript online and inform the authors about the same. The team will also provide login ID and other details to the author to enable them to keep track of the manuscript by themselves. Manuscripts should be concisely written and conform to the following general requirements: Manuscripts should be typewritten in 1.5 spaced in A4 sized sheets, only on one side, with a 2 cm (1”) margin on both sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page, and the matter should be arranged in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if necessary), Authorship, and References. All tables and figures should be aligned in their proper place (separate tables and figures are not acceptable unless asked by the editor). Follow the standard format for the list of symbols and Abbreviations. 

Title Page - The title page should contain the title of the paper in boldface (font size 12), the names of the authors in the normal face (font size 12), followed by the address(es). The author to whom all correspondence should be addressed should be denoted by an asterisk mark. The names of the authors should appear as initials followed by surnames. Full names may be given in some instances to avoid confusion. Names should not be prefixed or suffixed by titles or degrees. Names should be followed by the complete postal address(es) where the research work has been carried out. At the bottom left corner of the title page, please mention “*Address For correspondence” and provide a functional e-mail address. 

Authorship -

The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this section. 

Each author is expected to have made substantial contributions in the conception of work or design of the work or have performed the experimental work or have done analysis or interpreted the data and observations, or created of new method/software used in the work or have contributed in draft of the work or substantively revised it

AND have approved the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author's contribution to the study);

AND have agreed both to be personally accountable for the author's own contributions and to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and the resolution documented in the literature.

Corresponding author must use full name of each author to indicate each author's contribution in this section.

For example: "Jin Joe analyzed and interpreted the design of experiment data related to work. Xin Xu performed the studies in the laboratory, recorded observations, and contributed to drafting the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript

Graphical Abstract -  A graphical abstract promotes interdisciplinary study, encourages browsing, and makes it easier for readers to choose papers pertinent to their research interests rapidly. It should also enable readers to grasp the paper's main point immediately. This is a succinct, graphic, and pictorial synopsis of the article's key results. It might be the article's closing figure or, better yet, a figure created to summarise its content for readers in a single glance.

Authors should include a graphical abstract in JPG format with good resolution.

Abstract—This should start on a new page after the title page. The abstract should briefly reflect all aspects of the study, as most databases list mainly abstracts. It should be subdivided into background, aim, methods, result and discussion, and conclusion. 

Keywords - Provide four to six appropriate keywords after the abstract

Introduction -Shall start on the next page after the Abstract. The Introduction should lead the reader to the importance of the study, tie up published literature with the aims of the study, and clearly state the rationale behind the investigation.

Materials and Methods -This shall start as a continuation of the introduction on the same page. All important materials used, along with their source, shall be mentioned. The main methods used shall be briefly described, citing references. New methods or substantially modified methods may be described in sufficient detail. The statistical method and the level of significance chosen shall be clearly stated. JOAPR encourages works that have been subjected to an appropriate statistical test at one level of significance. 

Results -All findings presented in tabular or graphical form shall be described in this section. All Tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-explanatory. Results section shall start after materials and methods section on the same page.

Discussion -This section should follow results, deal with the interpretation of results, convey how they help increase current understanding of the problem and should be logical. Unsupported hypothesis should be avoided. The Discussion should also state the future prospects of the study that need to be further explored.  Results and discussion may also be combined under one section as Results and Discussion.

Acknowledgements - Should be given after the text (if any)

Conflict of Interest -  Authors must declare conflict of interest (if any) during submission process in comments to Editor. This conflict of interest shall be displayed in article  

Funding Sources – Authors are requested to identify and mention the funding source who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement then this should be stated


Should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). All reference should be numbered sequentially [in square bracket] in the text and listed in same numerical order in reference section. JOAPR follows referencing style as outlined by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. The titles of journals should be abbreviated in standard format and conform to Journal listed by PubMed. Avoid using abstracts as references.

References should strictly adhere to the format of references shown below.

[1] Bahadur S, Sahu AK, Baghel P, Saha S. Current promising treatment strategy for glioblastoma multiform: A review. Oncol. Rev., 13, 114–24 (2019)

[2] Shimizu K, Oku N. Brain tumor diagnosis using PET with angiogenic vessel-targeting liposomes. Tumor of the central nervous system. (Hayat MA ed.) Vol. 3, Springer, New York, pp. 169–176 (2011)

[3] Brunner A, Greune H, U.S. Patent 1910462 (1993) [Chem. Abstr., 27, 4092–4096 (1993)].

[4] International Organization for Standardization. “How ISO develops standards.” : 〈 develops_standatds.htm, cited 25 August, 2008.


Review Article:

Should contain up-to-date information, comprehensively cover relevant literature and preferably be written by scientists who have in-depth knowledge on the topic. All format requirements are same as those applicable to full papers. Review articles need not be divided into sections such as materials and Methods and Results and Discussion, but should definitely have an Abstract and Introduction, if necessary.


Reference Manager

JOAPR recommends Mendeley Reference Management Software. Mendeley is free software for managing references. The JOAPR reference style is now included in the Mendeley software. Authors only need to select the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research citation style in Mendeley, and their references will be arranged in JOAPR format.

Click here to download the guide/manual for arranging reference using mendeley software


Article Processing Charge (APC)

The publication of papers submitted to Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research (JOAPR) incurs an article processing fee (APC) of Rs. 11800/- for Indian Authors & $500 (US Dollar) for Authors from other countries. Authors from SAARC countries can pay in Indian Currency. The APC will be revised from 15th March 2025. The revised fees will be Rs. 14800 for Indian Authors & $550 for Authors from other countries. Authors from SAARC countries can pay in Indian Currency. The APC is to be deposited only after the submitted paper is accepted for publication. There is no fee for submission of manuscript, similarly Readers too do not need to pay any fee. JOAPR is an open access, peer reviewed journal. JOAPR do not wish fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.

Please visit publication fees and waiver policy page for payment of APC and application for waiver of APC (if any). Click here for the Publication fees and waiver page

APC can also be directly transferred to a bank account via online or wire transfer. Following is the bank account details

Account Number: 742001501119

IFSC Code: ICIC0007420

Bank Name: ICICI Bank, Rangpo Branch


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