Ethnomedicinal plants in Chhattisgarh origin


  • Kunal Chandrakar Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111
  • Trilochan Satapathy Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111
  • Manoj Nayak Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111
  • Ghanshyam Dhalendra Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111
  • Birendra Kumar Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111


Medicinal plant, Biological source, Medicinal use, Chemical constituent


The survey on Ethano medicinal plant of Chhattisgarh origin has been carried out to gather information regarding potent medicinal plants and their uses. The survey report is focused on traditional practice ethnic natural resources for mitigation and cure from several ailments. Even today, these herbal medicines are in practice to cure variety of disease. The present investigation was conducted using questionnaire in rural areas situated around in Chhattisgarh. Traditional knowledge about plant wealth passes from generation to generation for conservation of the traditional medicine.


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Author Biography

Ghanshyam Dhalendra, Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Vill. Tekari, Near Vidhan Sabha, Raipur (CG) 493111




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How to Cite

Chandrakar, K., Satapathy, T., Nayak, M., Dhalendra, G., & Kumar, B. (2014). Ethnomedicinal plants in Chhattisgarh origin. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research, 2(3), 28-41. Retrieved from


